Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I am interviewing a lady named Tammy whos three year old daughter, Kaitlyn,
has PWS.

ME: So, When did you find out that Kaitlyn had PWS? and How did you

TAMMY: We found out she had PWS at 8 weeks. At 4 weeks we were told she had trisomy 15 (something wrong with the 15th chromosome) so doing research we found out it was PWS or Angelmans syndrome. We were very sad and concerned for her future. When getting the PWS diagnosis it was sort of a relief because it was the better of the two according to research.

ME: What did your famiy do whenever you told them Kaitlyn has PWS? and How has Kaitlyn having Prader Willi Syndrome changed your life?

TAMMY: PWS has changed our life because we eat better, try to exercise more and have many doctors appointments.

ME: Do you have any other children? and Are you sorta worried that if you had another child that they would have PWS too?

TAMMY: We have 1 year old twins and we did research about another pws child before having more and found the chances were slim to none and there had never been a reported case of a second child with PWS. They are both healthy.

ME: Had you ever heard of PWS before Kaitlyn was born?

TAMMY: We never heard of PWS before she was born and we are learning so much about therapies and how to help her.

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